Join the Xhire mailing list for immediate updates.
The Xhire members only mailing list was set up about 7 years ago as a means of keeping people informed about thefts and fraud. Once you are a member, you can communicate with the entire group by sending out a single email. Joining is completely free, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
To join the Xhire list (or to unsubscribe), fill in our contact form. If your email domain relates to a broadcast hire company, you will be placed on the list immediately. If you are a freelance cameraman, please supply as much information as possible, with references from within the industry, if possible, so that we can determine if your request to join the list is legitimate.
Terms of service
Membership of the list may be terminated at any time if the service is misused in any way.
The Xhire Mailing List may only be used for the purposes of alerting other members to the existence of fraudulent activity, or to share relevant information and advice on matters relating to criminal activity within the broadcast hire industry. It may not be used for promotional or commercial purposes, including the advertising or promotion of any individual, corporation, business service, charitable organisation or trade association. Any use of the list for commercial, promotional, or advertising purposes will result in immediate termination of membership.
We would ask that email posts are limited to the following categories:
- Alerts: eg, “A false courier attempted to collect kit from our offices today. Here is his photo, and his vehicle registration number is ABC123. If he comes to your premises please call the Police.” , or “A Mr Luke Dodgy of Bubblebath films has disappeared with £1 million of kit. Here are his identity documents and a picture of the person who collected the equipment.”
- Information: Eg, a new database has been set up for stolen kit at, or new methods of checking on a potential client, etc
- Requests for information: Eg, “Has anybody had dealings with Mr A Camerathief of Dodgy Films? He wants to rent £3 million of equipment for a shoot in Kazakhstan.”, etc
- Other information which could assist in the fight against fraud or theft. Please post only if it fulfils those objectives!
- Administrative: Eg, new server, changes in terms of service, new logo, etc.
- Credit Information: The Xhire list can be used to share credit information, on a confidential basis, about clients. If, for example, you have a customer who rents kit and absolutely refuses to pay for your services, you can share this information using the email list. Information of this type will never be made public, by, for example, being added to the Xhire website. There is, however, one exception to this: Commercial and credit information about Xhire member companies should never be shared using this service, as doing so is damaging to the integrity of the community as a whole.
Please note that replies to messages will also be received by the whole group.
This list has had considerable success in helping to give other members the ‘heads up’ about a number of potentially fraudulent hires, and we have been instrumental in bringing a number of fraudsters to justice so it’s proving to be a worthwhile tool in the fight against theft.
Disclaimer: The sharing of information through the Xhire system must be in compliance with the Data Protection Acts. Action will be taken against list members who share information in breach of the data protection guidelines and laws.