We are now getting reports of fake kit hire requests for Warner Brothers.
Somebody purporting to be Alex Bowers of Warner Brothers called and requested kit. He was asked to email in and did so using the email address alex.bowers@wmguk.co.uk which is not a valid email address.
Please note there is a genuine Alex working at Warner brothers and this is not him.
The hire company checked with the real Alex who confirmed it was not him and must be a scam.
Fake Alex provided the following details – spelling licensing incorrectly.
Alex Bowers
International Licencing Manager
Warner Music UK
27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5SW, United Kingdom
T +44 207 368 2000
M +44 7377 720 377
We would advise treating all requests from unknown contacts at any major media company with extreme caution and verify who you are dealing with by phoning a publicly advertised number.
Based on previous bouts of this sort of fraud, they will run through lots of other companies too.
If you hear from fake Alex, please let us know.